Big Bags with diaper bottoms are sometimes erroneously called “Diaper Big Bags”, but this denomination is not always accurate.

WARNING: It is very important not to confuse “Multipurpose” with “Reusable“, especially starting January 2023, when the new tax on non-reusable plastic packages occurred. Check all you need to know about the tax here.

What gives a Big Bag the category of Reusable (Multiple Trip) is that it is made and tested according to the second or third column of the following table:

Non-reusable Big Bag
(Single Trip)

Diaper Big Bag
(Multiple trips)

Repairable Big Bag

Construction and testing standardsISO 21898ISO 21898ISO 21898
Safety factor (SF)5:16:18:1
UseIt should be used only once.It can be used more than once.
When wear signs are noted, they should be removed.
It can be used more than once.
When wear signs are noted, it can be repaired if it is feasible and safe to do so.
Endurance tests30 cycles at 2 times your SWL +
Final cycle to breakage at more than 5 times its SWL
70 cycles at 4 times your SWL +
Final cycle to breakage at more than 6 times SWL
30 cycles at 6 times your SWL +
Final cycle to breakage at more than 8 times SWL

Traditionally, Diaper Bottom Big Bags have been referred to as “multi-purpose FIBCs”, but this name is not accurate and can be misleading, even contradictory:

  • A Reusable Big Bag (SF 6:1 or higher) could have a diaper bottom (traditionally called “multi-purpose”), but could also be flat-bottomed or have other configurations.
  • On the other hand, a diaper-bottom Big Bag with a 5:1 safety factor should not be considered Reusable despite being erroneously referred to as a “Multipurpose Big Bag”.

Ask our sales team to obtain the best, safest Diaper Big Bags and avoid operational and tax risks, since there is a special tax for “non-reusable” Big Bags.

Open Top, Flat Bottom Big Bag
(May be Reusable or not depending on its SF)

Multi-trip FIBC

Big Bag with Open Top and
diaper bottom with buckles, called Multi-trip FIBC
(May be Reusable or not depending on its SF)