Big Bags Dispenser

A Big Bag Dispenser allows you to empty the contents of the Big Bags in an easy, fast, precise, and controlled way. They are especially suitable for granulated products such as feed, fertilizers, seeds, pellets, salts or gravel. The simple opening and closing system of the Dispensers allows you to easily control the discharge of the contents of the Big Bags at the desired speed, as well as its temporary interruption.

Safe Discharges

Without the Big Bag Dispenser, it is sometimes difficult to untie the discharge valve at the bottom of the Big Bag. Sometimes, there is no such valve and the discharge is produced by cracking or cutting the bottom of the Big Bag. In any case, both manipulations of the Big Bag should be avoided by placing a person under it, since this implies a certain risk of crushing. The safety regulations of official organizations such as EFIBCA must always be followed when handling Big Bags.

The Big Bags Dispenser avoids dangerous discharges and makes the unloading process much easier.

A model for every need

There are two different models of Big Bag Discharge Dispensers:

  • Flat Bottom Big Bag Dispenser: Pointed finish to penetrate the bottom of the Big Bag and turn it into a bottom discharge Big Bag.
  • Big Bag Dispenser with valve: Adjustable to different sizes of discharge valves to open and close the discharge flow precisely and simply.