Bags with Squared bottom

We work with different types of customers and sectors, so we know their needs may vary depending on their tasks. That is why we offer a variety of products with different compositions and sizes. This way, we guarantee that we can meet our clients’ needs, ensuring they are satisfied.

Square Bottom Bags is a clear example of this. These large bags are usually made with light PP or cotton fabric in the shape of a Big Bag, i.e. square bottom bag with 4 equal sides, instead of only two sides.

The Square Bottom Bags can be equipped with eyelets, ties, lids, or prints to improve them according to their uses: light transport, messenger service, laundry…


45 X 45 X 100 Cm (Data sheet)

Other sizes and customizations are available upon request.

Square Bottom Bag or traditional Correos Bag
(No longer available)

The most popular Square Bottom Bag is perhaps the “traditional” Post Office Bag, also called Correos Big Bag, even though it is not a Big Bag. Many people ask us for this “classic” as an object of desire, but unfortunately, it is no longer manufactured or available.